SWAYAM or Study Webs of Active –Learning
for Young Aspiring Minds programme of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, Professors of centrally funded institutions like IITs, IIMs,
central universities will offer online courses to citizens of India.
SWAYAM is an instrument for self-actualisation providing opportunities for a life-long learning. Here learner can choose from hundreds of courses , virtually every course that is taught at the university / college / school level and these shall be offered by best of the teachers in India and elsewhere.
If a student is studying in any college,
he/she can transfer the credits earned by taking these courses into their
academic record. If you are, working or not working, in school or out of
school, SWAYAM presents a unique educational opportunity to expand the horizons
of knowledge. More...
# Collection:Niraj Mahamure #